Tribulation knows not the boundaries of us,
For it eternally spares what it encompasses,
Neither Allah sends to wear, what more of damages,
If not for us to strive and stay focus.
May other comes the time of another,
Propelling stronger if we to self-gather,
Pleading for more begging and tear,
To give in not, we shan't be fear.
Afraid not my fellow friend,
Light of hope shines we don't know when,
Secrets of Allah remind us where we stand,
To better us of being a man.
Believe in Allah together we supine,
Shoulder-to-shoulder to straighten our line,
Ikhtiar we spend, efforts of divine,
"InnAllaha ma'ana", InsyaAllah we'll be fine..
Of last advice I shall chart,
Share the wisdom, ease the hard,
Together we stand, there we start,
"We serve the Ummah" unites our heart.
I've to admit, that I'm really bad in word-twisting things like this. This more sounded like a failed shakespeare-to-be masterpiece or some sorts of that.
Lantak la, ada aku kesah..?? lol~~
I'm not that good in giving tazkirah fluently in front of crowds. What more of trying to make people ease by my words. But, the content is still the same.
Given the current circumstances, we should already realize what's happening around us. Be it personal matter, or the batch's matter. Allah gives us more problems to solve day by day. Knowing the fact that Allah does not put a burden on ones exceeding their limits, we shall keep calm and carry on. Gather our strength and put some efforts onto it. Do pray to Allah that He may ease us all.
Remember. Indeed! Allah is always with us all.
footnote : You can call this
pantun or whatever, but I hope you find it inspiring. =)