Enough with laughter here and there during the classes and chit chats wherever you had them. Now, we come to serious part. And when I say serious, it should be damn SERIOUS. Brace yourselves.
ECG practical isn't that as
Dealing with patients is not only the work of GP, but us too. So, we have been exposed to the practical of ECG, how to read the ECG thing (which I don't know how they can read without a single alphabet there..) and how to locate those colorful wiring on the chest and limbs. Actually, I don't know how to put those processes into words, so you may please yourselves with a video taken from the brother's ECG practical.
This video is posted with the permission of the specimen person involved.
Ok. While waiting this video to buffer (affected from VERRRYYYY SLOW internet connection), you may also want to take a glance at these pictures.
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"Hey Mamat! Baring diam2 la. Gelak2~~" |
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"Hok ni. Cucuk macam ni.. Pehe dok..?" |
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#likeaboss |
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"BALE!! Banyok ni wayar tarok kat tangan aku. Kene tulis wasiat la pahni.." |
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"Buat ECG dalam IMAN~~~" ke iklan ubat gigi ni.. |
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"Letak kat sini la.." kata Sharul Kau tunjuk mana tu Sharul.. hehe.. " balas Izham. #evillaugh "Bale diorang ni.." Farid dan ekspresinya.. |
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"Make sure korang ingat position ni. Penat posing maut ni.." kata SIPOLAN |
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Where are sisters? In the lab-next-door (where we brothers are STRICTLY PROHIBITED to go). There are few more photos. Since they are under CLASSIFIED and UNPLEASANT labels, so be them safe in brothers files. Ok. =)
footnote : The feeling of being a medical student was suddenly running through my veins. Temporarily though. Don't you think..?
lepas dah lame2 tu ramai sisters yang start volunteer.. sorry ye tak boleh ade gambar. HAHAHA
ruginye tak gabung brother sisters! hahaha xD
btw, from the bottom of our myocardium (haha), seriously,
we sisters salute farid! ( ^ O ^ )/
paham2.. kalau letak gmbr sisters sini, maknanya kene block la blog ni. haha.. terus kene buang uia. haha
btw, from the inferior-est of farid's endocardium, he said thank you.. hahahahah
nak mintak admin blog tolong cakap dekat farid.
nak mintak maaf sangat2 dekat farid, sebab whatever was there on facebook. serius, aku tak terfikir pulak the consequences of my doings. memang tak berniat nak memalukan atau me-apa2-kan sesiapa.
aku masih belajar. i lack here and there. please forgive whatever i've done, and what i will do despite all the Islamic input i've learned.
serious,sincerely,memang bersalah sangat2 diri ni, sebab buat kerja bodoh without thinking of the akibat. i will improve myself, insyAllah.
insyaAllah, aku rasa farid pun paham bila benda ni terjadi. tu yg dia buat teguran tu, so that kita semua boleh berubah ke arah kebaikan. =)
btw, time aku reply benda ni, dia dah tidur dah. hahah
Takde apa yg perlu aku maafkan...krn apa yg aku tulis dlm facebook smlm hanya sbgai satu nsiht utk diri aku dan anda semua tanda ksih sesama Islam...Apa yg aku smpaikan, hnya sbgai satu perkongsian dri aku utk anda semua agr kita semua dpt ambil manfaat..mereka yg ambil manfaat itulah mereka yg untung dan brjya...Setiap mnusia ada salah dan silapnya trmsuk aku...dan sebaik2 org yg berslh itu ialah mereka yg bertaubat...Kdg2 aku berdiam diri ats sesuatu prkra seperti mana yg aku lakukan dulu masa kontroversi tmpt duduk...aku sudah smpaikan apa yg aku faham dan terserah lah pd yg mndgr sma ada mahu menerima atau tidak...dan slps itu, aku berdiam diri utk mnjg hati2 msing agr tiada yg berbalah antara satu sama lain...Kdg2 prkra yg sgt2 pnting perlu aku ckpkn walaupun agak pahit..agr jdi iktibar dan pngjrn bgi aku dan yg mndgr... Aku mohon maaf andai apa2 yg aku lakukan bertentangan dgn kehndak dan naluri hati anda semua... Aku doakan agr kita semua sentiasa dlm rahmat dan ksih syg Allah..amin~
_Ksih sesama Islam krn Allah_
Terima ksih ats perhatian..
drpd farid fakri
tu dia.. tuan badan dah mai dah. apa2 pun, farid aku nak mintak maaf gak la kat ko sbb suka sakat ko. mintak maaf zahir batin. selamat hari raya haji. *wink2*
anyway, setiap benda yg berlaku ada hikmahnya. dalam kita bermaafan ni, ukhuwah kita makin terjalin erat, yedak...?
aku nak lawan kepanjangan komen dengan farid punya, tapi tak boleh gak nak panjang. cis! muahahah
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