Thursday, 12 June 2014

[Throwback]: Flashmob Syria 3.0 @ UMP Gambang



Despite having 'deserts' of quizzes and assignments, Allah granted us this golden opportunity to once again conduct a flashmob on the story of Syria. The story of our brothers and sisters there does not come by when there's bombing here and there, and perhaps the story does not disappear into the thin air months later. It's about how do we remember them and possibly be an aid to their welfare and life.

Well. Since this happened loooong time ago, I'll not nag much longer. Perhaps the photos here can tell you the story of us in the making of this. Enjoy!! Oh yes. We trained about twice only I think, since we're short of time. Alhamdulillah, everything went smoothly.

"Terasa hensem plak hari ni.." kata Aiman
"Udah2 le tu Aiman. Kita tengah berlatih ni pon, ko sempat posing2 lagi.." balas Acap
"Ntah ko ni, askar mana boleh senyum." kata Afiq
"Aku bukan nak cakap ape. Kalau aku guna aura Zayn Malek aku, kalah korg" kata Acap
"Ada yang jalan kaki balik Kuantan nanti ni" monolog Adib
*situasi sebenar ialah tazkirah oleh Acap lepas maghrib. hehe*
"Acap ni tak tengok lagi kalau aku perasan hensem macam mana. Kalah nanti" monolog Helmi
"Besar kecik besar kecik je aku tengok si Acap ni" monolog Muiz juga
"Aku rasa aku lah paling comel kat sini.." kata Azlan dgn kepala atas meja
"Ko jangan nak perasan Lan. Aku lagi hot tau.." balas Rashid
"Hai.." kata Izham
"Debor rasanya nak flashmob ni.." reaksi Rashid
"Apalah nak jadi lepas ni.. haish" fikir Azlan
"Hangpa nanti buat leklok tau. Kita turun tangga belah kanan dewan nah.." pesan Aini

"Eh!!" terkejut Nurin
"Budak ni, time2 aku nak betul tudung la dia nak amek gambar.
Tak sempat nak posing" monolog Jannah
"Atie2, kamera tu. Posing2..." ajak Irda
"Jangan lah kacau aku. Nak amek feeling flashmob ni.." balas Atie
Dikir barat sket...
Mula2 Qasidah, pastu turn kami..

Warga UMP...
Sewaktu pementasan..
Aku yang di luar bukan lah aku yang di dalam...
Sayalah tadi.. *sempat buat muka time amek gambar*

Ini cerita kami...
"Ko kenapa Eva? Tiba2 pandang bawah.." tanya Atie
"Posing la Atie. Kene ada angle chantek bila amek gambar" balas Eva
Alhamdulillah. All praise be to Allah for this. And if you are yet to watch the video of our flashmob, you may want to drop by to our page by clicking this...


footnote: Time cuti2 ni la baru ada masa nak update blog.. huhu. Sorry lambat update. 

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