Assalammualaikum sahabat sahabat rx 11 yg semuanya dalam rahmat Allah ;)
Sebab aku rasa benda yg aku dpt ni sgt precious, so i was thinking to share with you guys :) ! (*Aku dah pernah share benda ni dgn beberapa org )
Tahniah, sebab kita dah sama sama tempuh these journey of 4 years, alhamdulillah :) Jauh betul perjalanan rasa nak habiskan undergrad T.T Finally its over, and insyaAllah with all flying colours and happy ending result :)
Bila dah grad pulak, and like now everyone is so busy, cari retail pharmacy untuk STAR programme, siapkan resume, cari kerja dulu dekat IKOP, aim nak sambung belajar etc. Disebabkan course kita ni banyak jalan, maksudnya, kita boleh pilih nak ke industry ke, hospital, academia, enforcement or retail.
Bila banyak cabang ni, kita pun confuse jugak kdg kdg nak buat pilihan. Bila kita aim nak settle down as clinical pharmacist, so utk prp ni, maybe kita try cari utk dptkan prp dekat hospital. Kalau kita aim nak bukak retail, and settle down dekat community, so maybe untuk PRP ni kita beria jugak lah cari retail, for all those STAR programme thingy.
Okay, kenapa la aku membebel pasal benda benda ni.-___- Before all these starts, banyak benda bermain dalam otak aku, like how aku nak end up, nak settle down mcm mana actually. So before exam hari tu aku pun decide nak pegi consult Dr.Razak. Kenapa Dr. Razak ? Tu aku tak dpt nak explain why, dia mcm, instinct aku nak pergi jumpa beliau. Nak kira rapat sgt dgn Dr. pun tak lah, dalam class dia pun mcm byk tido je T.T And aku tahu dia perasan je. Hahahaa.
So aku ckp la,
'Dr. saya rasa saya tak minat hospital. bla bla bla.. Industry mmg tak minat... Saya rasa saya mcm nak sambung belajar'
And Dr.reply,
'Sebenarnya, you tak kenal diri u sendiri'
Aku pun mcm, ye ke Dr. mcm too early je to judge (masa ni dalam hati la) Dari lenggok aku bercerita, gaya bahasa, cara aku sampaikan,Dr. dapat detect aku tak kenal diri aku. Dia cakap lebih kurang la, aku paraphrase sikit sikit :p
Dia kata,
'ye ke u tak minat hospital ? u kena cari, betul ke u tak minat, or sebenarnya ada faktor luaran. ni la masalah student, mostly u all tak kenal diri sendiri. Tengok org sambung belajar, kita pun nak sambung belajar, tengok orang bukak farmasi, kita pun rasa nak bukak farmasi'
And untuk pengetahuan korang, aku borak borak dgn Dr. dalam 3 jam tu, penuh dengan persoalan Dr. yang membuatkan aku banyak berfikir, and like, aah la, aku tak kenal diri aku sendiri.
So aku tanya la, mcm mana saya nak kenal diri sendiri Dr ?
'U kena tgk dalam hidup you, bila ada benda benda yg extreme dtg, let say, it is ujian or happiness, mcm mana u react. Then u akan dpt tahu u sebenarnya mcm mana ? u sebenarnya siapa. Diri you sendiri tu la sebenarnya yg ada ultimate strength, selama ni, u tak dpt nak keluarkan kekuatan diri u sendiri, sbb u hidup dgn menjadi org lain'
Satu lagi cara cepat nak kenal diri sendiri ialah, tak boleh ada denial. Jangan menafikan benda yg kita sebenarnya sgt sgt nak. Tapi kita tak express, mungkin sebab malu dgn org lain, or terikut ikut org lain or any other possible factors.
Dr cakap jugak, salah satu cara lagi untuk mengenal diri sendiri, ialah dengan tanya musuh musuh kita. Musuh ni, em, bukanlah musuh. Dia mcm, dalam kalangan kawan kawan kita, akan ada org yg asyik tak sependapat je dgn kita. Kira mcm tak ngam la. Asyik bertelagah, kira kalau opinion tu sokmo contradict, Dr. kata, tanya org org mcm ni, untuk u kenal diri u sendiri.
Dr. Razak tanya aku, u ada best friend ? Hm, ada la jugak. Dr. kata, tanya best friends kita, kita ni org yg mcm mana. Contohnya, kalau dalam situation this and this, kau rasa aku boleh survive tak ? (tanya best friend kita, opinion dia) bagi certain situation.
Jangan tanya direct question. Contoh, Abu, kau rasa aku ni org yg mcm mana ?
Tapi tanya indirect, contoh, contoh la eh. Abu, kau rasa aku boleh ke eh handle patient everyday kat hospital mcm ni ? So nanti Abu ni akan explain opinion dia, and dia akan indirectly keluar kan kita punya values, yg sometimes kita tak tahu dan tak nampak.
Last before aku keluar, aku ckp la, dr.mcm mana kita nak tahu kita yg kita DAH kenal diri sendiri ?
'cara u ckp, masa tu akan lain, kalau u dah kenal diri u sendiri'
Disebabkan consultation aku dgn Dr.Razak, bila aku balik, mmg aku fikir habis habis. Aku nak apa ? Aku ni org yg mcm mana ? Berhari hari jugak la aku duk kat bilik tu, perah otak, ingat balik important life events. Apa benda yg interesting dekat academic/hospital/industry/retail? Tanya diri sendiri. Buat mind map every setting tu, and sesuaikan dengan behaviour diri sendiri. Tak lupa, tanya kawan kawan, tanya org yg kita rasa dia kenal kita.
I found out it was very crucial utk kenal diri sendiri. Daripada statement, 'aku RASA aku nak sambung belajar', and i finally able to say 'AKU MMG NAK SAMBUNG BELAJAR'.
So my advice utk kita semua, kenal diri sendiri. If not, kita akan ada tendency untuk buat dek kerana terikut ikut step orang lain. Kita dah cukup besar, dah cukup matang, takkan la kita yg hidup dgn jasad dan roh kita selama 24 tahun ni, kita sendiri tak mampu nak kenal diri kita sendiri T.T
Kita rasa mcm kita kenal, sebenarnya kita tak.
And penting sgt bila kita kenal diri sendiri, kita boleh keluarkan maximum potential kita dalam field tu, and boleh menyumbang dengan sangat baik. Kita tak hidup dalam kepompong orang lain.
Bila dah besar ni, moga kita semua banyakkan istikharah, moga Allah bantu kita untuk buat keputusan. Sebab at this age, at this phase, banyak sgt keputusan besar besar yg kita nak kena buat.
Mudah mudahan dengan istikharah, gerak hati kita yakin dengan pilihan yg kita buat, dan kita takkan menyesal. Sebab kita dah letak tawakkal kita tadi melalui istikharah.
Last advice Dr.Razak,
'bila u plan something, yes mmg la u plan, tapi u always kena ingat, perancangan Allah tu yg terbaik, so whatever happen nanti, u takkan kecewa'
Moga Allah bantu kita semua, moga semua org berjaya dgn pilihan masing masing. Berjaya dalam jalan hidup masing masing. Jalan yg kita pilih setelah kita kenal diri kita sendiri. InsyaAllah :')
Terima kasih Dr. Razak. Sebab menjadi asbab untuk aku nampak jalan hidup aku :)
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
Tuesday, 13 January 2015
Remembering a blog
Assalamualaikum wbt..
Still remember aboutt this blog? Yes. This blog still exist my friends. It's just entered a dormant state for toooo long a time. The last post was on ICIP back in September last year.
Amazing, isn't it? How fast the time flies. Without realizing, we have reached the end of the first semester in our 3rd year of Pharmacy degree.
So, what have we learnt from this semester? Hectic life? Kehert life? Too much experiences to tell.
But what is sure enough for us up until now, we have survived this semester successfully. Alhamdulillah. *no matter what ever the results of our final exam will be*
I would like to apologize for not keeping the blog updated. Quite busy and l*zy. haha. I am thinking of recruiting a handful of our batch bloggers to contribute some of their stories to this awesome blog. Wish this blog can have more colors of words and stories from others as well.
I am sure some of us have long been home bounded since the last paper on Saturday (for those yang tak amek LS la kan..). And to those who still have their LS presentation today, I wish you best of luck. It's nothing to be afraid of.
To those who are planning to go home today or tomorrow, I pray for your safe journey. And those who are planning to go travelling somewhere, safe journey also. Bawak ole-ole sket. haaha.
We will be having our short holidays for only 3 weeks and InsyaAllah be back to UIA to resume new semester on 2nd February.
Oh yes. To those who will be going to USM for NPSC, best of luck. Play hard. Pray hard. Enjoy yourself there. =)
footnote: Kejap sangat cuti ni. haish...
Still remember aboutt this blog? Yes. This blog still exist my friends. It's just entered a dormant state for toooo long a time. The last post was on ICIP back in September last year.
Amazing, isn't it? How fast the time flies. Without realizing, we have reached the end of the first semester in our 3rd year of Pharmacy degree.
So, what have we learnt from this semester? Hectic life? Kehert life? Too much experiences to tell.
But what is sure enough for us up until now, we have survived this semester successfully. Alhamdulillah. *no matter what ever the results of our final exam will be*
I would like to apologize for not keeping the blog updated. Quite busy and l*zy. haha. I am thinking of recruiting a handful of our batch bloggers to contribute some of their stories to this awesome blog. Wish this blog can have more colors of words and stories from others as well.
I am sure some of us have long been home bounded since the last paper on Saturday (for those yang tak amek LS la kan..). And to those who still have their LS presentation today, I wish you best of luck. It's nothing to be afraid of.
To those who are planning to go home today or tomorrow, I pray for your safe journey. And those who are planning to go travelling somewhere, safe journey also. Bawak ole-ole sket. haaha.
We will be having our short holidays for only 3 weeks and InsyaAllah be back to UIA to resume new semester on 2nd February.
Oh yes. To those who will be going to USM for NPSC, best of luck. Play hard. Pray hard. Enjoy yourself there. =)
Thursday, 11 September 2014
ICIP 2014: Our Story
International Conference of Industrial Pharmacy (ICIP 2014) was successfully held at Swiss-Garden Resorts and Spa, Kuantan on 16 - 17 August 2014. This international event was intended to gather many researchers and academicians from around the world to meet and share knowledge on their researches.
And about 20 brothers from Rx11 were invited to perform a cultural performance, namely 'Dikir Barat' and band performance. To be precise, we were proposed by Dr Hazrina back then during last year's IKOD for this performance. We started to practice our dikir nearly the end of last semester. Yup. Days before study week started.
A week before the event started, we gathered back in IIUM and put front our best efforts to this performance. Days and nights. Gone through much sweat here and there (damn much sweat!!). And Alhamdulillah. The result was as what you can watch below.
Though the performance were not of the best imitation of the real dikir, but this is our version of dikir. Laughter. Spontaneous. Much so. Thanks to Dr Hazrina, Br Badri and all those who are directly and indirectly involved in the making the event a success. Much looking forward to this event in the nearest future.
footnote: Dengar2 ada 'job' baru untuk dikir kami.. hehe
International Conference of Industrial Pharmacy (ICIP 2014) was successfully held at Swiss-Garden Resorts and Spa, Kuantan on 16 - 17 August 2014. This international event was intended to gather many researchers and academicians from around the world to meet and share knowledge on their researches.
And about 20 brothers from Rx11 were invited to perform a cultural performance, namely 'Dikir Barat' and band performance. To be precise, we were proposed by Dr Hazrina back then during last year's IKOD for this performance. We started to practice our dikir nearly the end of last semester. Yup. Days before study week started.
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Posing before pergi perform.. |
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Our fan from India.. *kelaaas gitew..* |
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Queen of the night |
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With Br Faris pon join.. not the dikir of course |
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Best performers.. |
footnote: Dengar2 ada 'job' baru untuk dikir kami.. hehe
swiss garden
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
It's back-to-school time
Well. I could say it has been ages since my personal touch has ever filled this column of blog. Pretty many things happened around while we are having our bliss and blessed holiday. Hoped so.
So, how is your holiday? Pretty good, I guess.
With the remaining 3-4 days to the opening of the new semester, I reckon you guys might mind to spend every precious seconds with fellow friends and families. Yeah you sure do before you might ended up with piles of books and notes on your desk preparing for quizzes and exams.
To those who are enjoining our new brothers and sisters of Rx13, keep your spirit up and give them all those bunches of advice to be in our beloved Kulliyyah.Scare Encourage them.
To fellow new Rx13 members, welcome aboard. Fasten you seat belts tight enough. It's getting pretty fast here in the Kulliiyah. =) Pep talk. Sounded so, right?
Some tips before resuming to ourmiserable joyful mission of seeking knowledge:
1. You better get warm up a little bit. Read some encyclopedias, Campbell's biology books, wikis (most recommended, not for lecturers) or anything that will boost up your brain a bit
2. The above advice is optional, though.
3. Prepare all your belongings properly. You sure don't want ended up shopping at ECM looking for bed sheets and pillows at the eleventh hour.
4. Bring the purest and sincere hearts of yours. Seek forgiveness from parents and God, so that our path to seeking knowledge will be blessed and eased.
That's all, earthlings. Chin up. Holidays over. Classes approaching. Be prepared.
footnote: Ngantok la pi kelas pahni... adeyai.. =.='
Well. I could say it has been ages since my personal touch has ever filled this column of blog. Pretty many things happened around while we are having our bliss and blessed holiday. Hoped so.
So, how is your holiday? Pretty good, I guess.
With the remaining 3-4 days to the opening of the new semester, I reckon you guys might mind to spend every precious seconds with fellow friends and families. Yeah you sure do before you might ended up with piles of books and notes on your desk preparing for quizzes and exams.
To those who are enjoining our new brothers and sisters of Rx13, keep your spirit up and give them all those bunches of advice to be in our beloved Kulliyyah.
To fellow new Rx13 members, welcome aboard. Fasten you seat belts tight enough. It's getting pretty fast here in the Kulliiyah. =) Pep talk. Sounded so, right?
Some tips before resuming to our
1. You better get warm up a little bit. Read some encyclopedias, Campbell's biology books, wikis (most recommended, not for lecturers) or anything that will boost up your brain a bit
2. The above advice is optional, though.
3. Prepare all your belongings properly. You sure don't want ended up shopping at ECM looking for bed sheets and pillows at the eleventh hour.
4. Bring the purest and sincere hearts of yours. Seek forgiveness from parents and God, so that our path to seeking knowledge will be blessed and eased.
That's all, earthlings. Chin up. Holidays over. Classes approaching. Be prepared.
footnote: Ngantok la pi kelas pahni... adeyai.. =.='
Sunday, 31 August 2014
Wedding Day - Syaza Amira & Naim
It was a fine morning. This would be the first wedding of my batchmate I ever attended from the scratch. From the moment she dressed up to the end of the wedding.
It was a fine morning. This would be the first wedding of my batchmate I ever attended from the scratch. From the moment she dressed up to the end of the wedding.
Ready to convoy to Masjid Putra Nilai.
Arrived and the weather was just fine for the big day.
Everyone's busy for the walimah, so our job was to accompany and help the bride.
While waiting for the akad, we went to 'tour' around and went to see the pelamin
Pelamin of the day #potd
Shafiqah helping out the official photographer
Syaza photoshooting
Before everyone came, we already 'merasmikan' pelamin. PAs of the day #potd
The bride was nervous, so the eleven-mates were there, helping her to calm down.
Akad nikah. Sekali lafaz ja. Alhamdulillah.
Right after akad nikah.
Pengantin berarak masuk dewan.
Waiting for pengantin to finish makan beradab
Maybe Sy. Nazira will be the next?
Tak sempat bergambar dengan pengantin atas pelamin.
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With RX11 |
Sorry that I couldn't share many pictures due to the request made by the bride. Overall, it was a great one and I hope our presence made your wedding more meaningful.
Among eleven who were there were Shafiqah, Izzati, Zahidah, Izma, Sy. Nazira, Sh. Shakira, Shikin, Nadhirah Abdullah, Waheeda, Fathanah, Rabiatuladawiyah, Syafiqah Ahmad, Kak Bi, Abam, Nadhirah Hilmi, Fharahain & Husband, Farid Taib, Afif, Aiman Abi, Syafiq Amin, Nazrin, Acap & Izham.
The wedding ended around 4.00++ in the evening. And then they off to wedding photoshoot in Putrajaya and we made our way home.
Barakallahu lakuma wa baraka 'alaikuma wa jama'a bainakuma fil kheir !
Photo credit : ShafiqalIsmail SyNazira ShShakira IzzatiSharif ShikinOsman Zahidah
Sunday, 29 June 2014
Ramadhan Rendezvous
Well. Sitting back and lay down on your comfy couches all day long at home do not make your Ramadhan this year a memorable one.
Ramadhan comes again and now it comes with a new spirit. Spirit of change I could say. Some of us might be waiting for this month to come since the last Ramadhan. Or might also happen to some of us who just being, "Oh Ramadhan??!! How fast the time flies.. I didn't even notice when the Syaaban comes.." or something like that.
The spirit I was talking about is the spirit that each and everyone of us should have. Change in terms of attitude. Morality. Speech. And even our daily lifestyle and makan-style. Ramadhan is a university of change that rendezvous us 29-30 days in a year and graduating from it with flying colours ought to be added in our wishlist.
You see. We were striving and struggling soo damn hard during our classes and quizzes and exams to get what we call excellence. So, why don't we grab those spirit and implement them during this Ramadhan. Strive for the best. Pray hard. Aim for the best khusyuk ever. Run through those pages our Quran everyday. Set our goal of finishing the Quran. Tadabbur would be better and list goes on..
We actually know what should be done to attain the blessings from Allah, especially during the Ramadhan. We know all the goodness and rewards gained from our deeds. We know all sorts of things. All we want now is the spirit. The zeal that boosts us to do as many as possible the good things. So, pray to Allah for He will be the guidance to our spirit throughout this Ramadhan.
Above all. We are just entering the first day of Ramadhan. And many days will be coming and waiting. Hence, use the time wisely and make sure that when we graduate from this Ramadhan, we graduate with at least attaining Allah's list and be happy with it in the hereafter. Straighten our niat. Be sincere.
footnote: Salam Ramadhan kareem to all. Make this Ramadhan better than before. =)
Well. Sitting back and lay down on your comfy couches all day long at home do not make your Ramadhan this year a memorable one.
Ramadhan comes again and now it comes with a new spirit. Spirit of change I could say. Some of us might be waiting for this month to come since the last Ramadhan. Or might also happen to some of us who just being, "Oh Ramadhan??!! How fast the time flies.. I didn't even notice when the Syaaban comes.." or something like that.
You see. We were striving and struggling soo damn hard during our classes and quizzes and exams to get what we call excellence. So, why don't we grab those spirit and implement them during this Ramadhan. Strive for the best. Pray hard. Aim for the best khusyuk ever. Run through those pages our Quran everyday. Set our goal of finishing the Quran. Tadabbur would be better and list goes on..
We actually know what should be done to attain the blessings from Allah, especially during the Ramadhan. We know all the goodness and rewards gained from our deeds. We know all sorts of things. All we want now is the spirit. The zeal that boosts us to do as many as possible the good things. So, pray to Allah for He will be the guidance to our spirit throughout this Ramadhan.
Above all. We are just entering the first day of Ramadhan. And many days will be coming and waiting. Hence, use the time wisely and make sure that when we graduate from this Ramadhan, we graduate with at least attaining Allah's list and be happy with it in the hereafter. Straighten our niat. Be sincere.
footnote: Salam Ramadhan kareem to all. Make this Ramadhan better than before. =)
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Community Service at Kampung Bukit Bertam
Alhamdulillah. Praise be to Allah for His blessings. How's you guys doing this holiday? Good? I hope that we can fill it in with many beneficial activities.
On the 21st and 22nd of June 2014, Rx11 had conducted a community service at Kampung Bukit Bertam, Batu Kurau, Perak. 78 of us had journeyed there as early as the 19th to get all things prepared. Some came by cars, and some were on buses. Alhamdulillah. Allah had made the program flew smoothly.
Series of meetings were conducted between the two parties and we faced many obstacles; from very small things like stickers until the very big one like the change of kampong at the very last minute. All we faced together, and Alhamdulillah. Everything went well.
We aimed to make a bond and relationship with the residents of the kampong and immerse ourselves into the feelings of their affliction and life difficulties. Touched. That's all I could say. Touched to see their survival. Touched because in the middle of their everyday inconveniences, they were willingly be helpful hands to our program.
On the 21st, we're having gotong royong around the kampong. Picked up all the trash, planted some flowers, set up tents and canopies for the program. And not to forget, EAT!! Yes, that's a part I don't know why it happened to be in our gotong royong session. haha. Truly, the residents served us durians and kueh and tea. They really enjoy to serve us with foods (until at a point come across my mind; who comes to serve who actually.. hehe).
Gotong Royong
Of all, Alhamdulillah. The program went very well. Nothing that I could put on to describe the awesomeness of the kampong and its residents. May Allah bless the kampong. From the bottom of our heart, we would like to thank all who involved directly or indirectly in making this program a success. We also would like to convey our deepest regrets for any shortcomings and inconveniences caused. May Allah bless us all
footnote: Berbakti pada masyarakat sudah, kita berbakti pada keluarga pulak.. =) Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak.
Alhamdulillah. Praise be to Allah for His blessings. How's you guys doing this holiday? Good? I hope that we can fill it in with many beneficial activities.
On the 21st and 22nd of June 2014, Rx11 had conducted a community service at Kampung Bukit Bertam, Batu Kurau, Perak. 78 of us had journeyed there as early as the 19th to get all things prepared. Some came by cars, and some were on buses. Alhamdulillah. Allah had made the program flew smoothly.
Series of meetings were conducted between the two parties and we faced many obstacles; from very small things like stickers until the very big one like the change of kampong at the very last minute. All we faced together, and Alhamdulillah. Everything went well.
We aimed to make a bond and relationship with the residents of the kampong and immerse ourselves into the feelings of their affliction and life difficulties. Touched. That's all I could say. Touched to see their survival. Touched because in the middle of their everyday inconveniences, they were willingly be helpful hands to our program.
On the 21st, we're having gotong royong around the kampong. Picked up all the trash, planted some flowers, set up tents and canopies for the program. And not to forget, EAT!! Yes, that's a part I don't know why it happened to be in our gotong royong session. haha. Truly, the residents served us durians and kueh and tea. They really enjoy to serve us with foods (until at a point come across my mind; who comes to serve who actually.. hehe).
Gotong Royong
merase jugak naik lori keliling kampong.. |
muka kitorang takde dalam banner ni. Duk tepi pegang pun jadi la. |
Sebelum nak membanting tulang untuk gotong royong.. |
Lepas amek, gambar kita membantai durian pulak (jeles!!) |
sweet tak kami?? (muka aiman memang tak bleh blah.. haha) |
"ko cari apa zee??" tanya Raihan "Nak tengok cukup tak sampah kita kutip ni. Nanti kata kita tak kutip pape plak.." balas Zee |
"Tetibe rasa tough pulak angkat benda ni.." monolog Helmi |
"Kamilah pejuang2 yang akan mempertahankan kampong ni.." |
"Aku rasa kerusi untuk kau duduk kita letak kat situ la Farid" cadang Rashid " Tak nak tak nak. Aku nak duduk kat sini jugak.." balas Farid |
"Ngade la Farid. Tak kasi duduk baru tau..hehe" sampuk Acap "Hehe.." gelak Rashid |
"Apew ni. Takmo la tangkap gambew titew. Titew letih la gotong royong.." |
"Line clear Rashid. Amek banyak sket.." kata Acap "Ok2. Kalau nampak tuan rumah, bagitau la.." balas Rashid |
"Ha... Yang amek makan lebih tadi, sila tampil ke depan.." arah Cikgu Husni |
"Nasib baik aku tak amek lebih.." monolog Syafiq Zaabah |
Khusyuk dengar briefing |
"Korang nanti bersihkan elok2 tau.. Takmo curi2 tulang.." arah KD |
Baik bos.. |
Ok.. |
"Ala.. Korang takyah nak rajin sangat. Dia kasi arahan, dia sendiri main2.." kata Syafiq |
hehehe... |
"Adeyai.. Tengahari ni ada lauk ape ek.. lapar la.." monolog Rashid |
"Sharul, ko rasa sapa menang World Cup nnti..?" tanya Azlan "Krik2.. Aku mana tengok bola ni. " monolog Sharul |
After Zuhr, we came back to the village for a little tour. The JKKK of the kampong explained to us about the kampong and guided us to the houses we're going to visit. Some of the houses were really poor (I couldn't describe it here. sobs.). Well. The visit was not an empty-handed activities. We delivered a 5kg pack of rice (from UIA. thanks), detergent, soap, etc. With this little help, it could at least put a smile on their faces.
Village Tour
Kampong ni besar. Semuanya ada 308 orang penduduk.. |
"Kawasan2 ni yang kamu semua akan pergi.." terang cikgu Khusni |
"Macam sikit sangat je rumah nak pergi ni. Takkan 10 je kot" tanya Helmi "Cukup la tu. Yang penting kualiti ziarah tu.." balas Epul |
"Bagus budak ni. Boleh buat menantu.." monolog makcik |
"Nek, buat gaya AliCafe sket..." mintak Aiman (Aiman yang mana2 pon boleh) |
"Nek ada cucu perempuan yang tak kawen lagi..?" tanya Izham "Ada. Nanti nenek kenal2 kan dengan kamu. Hantaran RM 10K. Boleh?" balas nenek |
Peace yo... |
"Makcik pon ada sorang anak laki. Boleh le kamu kenal2 nanti.." rekemen Makcik "Yes!!" monolog Razinah |
"Makcik sihat ke..?" tanya Liyana penuh prihatin "Alhamdulillah. Makcik sihat2 je.." balas makcik |
"Nenek terharu dengan kamu semua datang sini. Terhibur sket nenek.." luah nenek "Sedih. Nak nangis lak rasanya.." monolog Syafiq |
"Ular ni makan orang tak ni..?" tanya Izham "Aku rilek je. Steady la Ijam.." balas Aiman |
After Asr on the same day, we had our opening ceremony and sukaneka for all the residents. It was really fun actually to gather the residents in the field and had our activities together. A unique thing that I could say "heritage" of the kampong was they have their own 'band' namely, Klasik Pemuzik Jalanan.
And we talk about classic, they are truly 'classic' and they proud of it. In any occasions, they will be there. And they are very good. At a time, they presented to us 4 songs in a row. Salute to the band.
Opening & Sukaneka
PM program kita, Farid Fakrik.. (ni betul). |
Saya terharu dengan kedatangan semua orang di sini.. Rasa nak nangis. Boleh saya kesat air mata jap..? |
Baju merah: Penghulu Batik Kuning: Ketua kampung Baju biru: Ketua cawangan UMNO (tak silap la..) |
"Yang kalah, mai sini amek gula2 dengan abang Afiq.." panggil Afiq |
"Fahmi, jom tunjuk skill silat sikit.." ajak Farhan (kembarnya) "Jom...!!" balas Fahmi |
Antara anggota Klasik Pemuzik Jalanan |
"Mak, saya boleh keluarkan asap dari mulut. Hebat tak anak emak..?" |
"Mana aci pakai tangan. Aku pon boleh gitu.." kata budak baju merah "Ala takpe. Abang tinggi tak nampak.." balas budak baju oren |
"Kaum ibu, boleh start lambung belon tu.." |
"Tipah, sambut aku baling ni.." seru Timah "OK. Aku ready..." balas Tipah |
"Adek, jom main tiup2 tepung tu. Nanti akak ajarkan camne.." |
"Jaga leklok sket belon ni Kiah,," kata Jenab "Baik le Jenab.." balas Kiah |
"Adek duduk dengan akak ek. Emak nak main sukan tu.. Kita sorak untuk emak deh.." |
"Ewaaah.. Rebut kerusi tu" tepuk Acap |
Ketua Kampung turut serta.. |
"Ni main tipu ni. Dah keluar da ni.." seru Epul "Mana ada weyh. Pakcik dapat kerusi ni dulu.." balas pakcik. |
Barisan kepimpinan JKKK bahagian wanita yang baru. Tahniah Feyna |
"Cukup tak hadiah untuk budak2 ni..?" tanya Izzati "Aku tengah buat la ni.." balas Mazlina |
Sambut Leman..!!! |
Majlis diserikan dengan Zayn Malik, diiringi oleh Klasik Pemuzik Jalanan. |
Duhai Dinda~~~ (MasyaAllah...) |
Dah2 le tu Meon. Keluar je le. Kamu tu dah kalah.. haha |
"Tarik2. Dah kalah tu.." kata Acap |
"Lepas penat kita bermain, jom kita menjamu selera ye.." ajak cikgu Khusni |
"Yeay.. Makan!!" kata Fatin |
We too have our time together among the members of the batch. At the 21st night, we have our bonding session where we were playing 'Super Spontan'. We divided into teams and had to compete each other. Each team had to pick up one item and spontaneously make use of the item to be used as different purpose. We really had time chillin' together
Rx11 Bonding
"Abi, ada hantu nak tangkap Umar.." kata Umar "Ko panggil aku ape.. Nak kene budak ni.." balas Zul |
Hai .. Hot tak saya.. ? hehe |
Ombak datang... |
"Ko buat gaya ape tu Razeen..?" tanya Amir "Entah la. Gerak je la badan tu.." balas Razeen |
"Time2 ni jugak la dia nak amek gambar.." monolog Shak |
"Razeen, agak2 aku masuk gambaq tak ni.." tanya Maddu "Mesti masuk. Hang kan hensem.." balas Razeen |
Adek2 semua. Angkat takbir lagu ni nah.. |
"Mak saya kata, kalau nak masuk minang, kene habes degree dulu.." promote Anis |
"Macam mana la nak buat gaya lagu Gemuruh ni. Macam payah je.." kata Syafiqah "Hensem la brother yang kepala hampir botak tu.. hehe" monolog Siraj |
"Gemuruh jiwaaaa!!!" teriak Mazlina "Ya Allah. Kuat pulak budak ni nyanyi. sakit telinga" respons Fatin |
"Cepat2 posing weyh. Ada orang amek gambar ni.." ajak Aina |
Penat posing. Takde orang pon amek gambar |
"Pasu bunga terpakai ni boleh buat kepala keretapi.." kata Izham |
"Benda ni boleh main tarik tali.." |
"Tengok Shak main snooker guna benda.. Haaa. Style kan.." kata Shak |
"Wow... sape yang bagi ucapan tu. Nak kenal.." semua terkesima |
saya kosong lagi. Tapi tempat ke-2,3 dan 4 je la.. hehe |
"Bukan nak ajak aku jadi pengapit pon Aiman ni.. hmm." kata Rashid kecewa |
Bermaafan sesama kita |
On the next day (22nd), we joined a kenduri and lent a hand to their kenduri and did rewang together. At the same time, we did a health screening for the residents at the nearby house. The health screening were conducted by pharmacists at the kampong (whom they are about to open a new pharmacy store at the kampong) and we also lent a hand there. At the same time also, we had mini games for children.
Three things simultaneously. Fuuuh. But Alhamdulillah. Everything went well
"Ko dah basuh tangan belum ni Shak.? Dah la nak basuh beras" tanya Syafiqah "Ko jangan risau. Bersih punya." balas Shak |
"Kuat betul bau jering ni..." monolog Liyana |
"Perhatikan ye budak2. Chef Lukamn beraksi.." |
"Tough tak aku..?" tanya Syafiq "Betulkan niat..." balas Farid |
"Makcik selalu buat rewang2 macam ni..?" tanya Zahirah "Selalu je. Nanti kenduri anak makcik plak. Jemput datang le" balas makcik |
"Check gula tu tak sakit pakcik. Macam kene sunat je.." explain Syawal |
"Fuyyooo.. Tepat tu.." kata Najihah "Tu je.." balas Afif |
The real pharmacist in the house beraksi |
Selamat pengantin baru |
During the night, we had a closing ceremony for our program. The JKKK asked us to present some performances aside from the performance by the residents. So, it was like a 'competition' between the kampong and us. The kampong presented Klasik Pemuzik Jalanan with 4 songs in a row, a magician with tricks, a band of youngsters performing 2 songs. We gave a dikir barat, poem about Rasulullah and our theme song, 'Gemuruh'.
Closing Ceremony
Video dikir barat, performed by brothers. Persiapan untuk dikir ni tak sampai 24 jam pun.
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"Eh.. silap step.." monolog Sakinah |
Of all, Alhamdulillah. The program went very well. Nothing that I could put on to describe the awesomeness of the kampong and its residents. May Allah bless the kampong. From the bottom of our heart, we would like to thank all who involved directly or indirectly in making this program a success. We also would like to convey our deepest regrets for any shortcomings and inconveniences caused. May Allah bless us all
footnote: Berbakti pada masyarakat sudah, kita berbakti pada keluarga pulak.. =) Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak.
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