On the 23rd December 2012, I-Care of IPHA has organized an event, named Grand Solat Hajat. This spirituous event took it place at Musolla of KOP. Since the final exam is just around the corner, this grand event was held in a way to obtain more blessings from Allah s.w.t. Plus, recitation of Yaasiin was done for the demised father of Rx10 sister, Ainnaja (correct me if I'm wrong..). May Allah bless his soul. Al-Fatihah....
Yaasiin recitation.... |
Sedap pulak aku baca malam ni... |
"Aku baca sedap lagi..." kata Adli sambil membelai janggut ciputnya... "Adli borok je lebih tu... haha" kata Syafiq |
Approximately 50++ brothers have enjoined this occasion and an unknown figures of sisters (since I can't see the sisters behind the curtain there, OBVIOUSLY!!) too have merry-ed up the event. After the congregational Maghrib prayer, followed by solat hajat, a taujihat (advice) was given by our beloved dean, Dr Mohamed bin Awang. Of his advice to the students are:
1. Istiqamah in seeking knowledge
2. Maintain a healthy life
3. Respect our teachers
4. I can't remember. hahah
Hangpa semua dengaq sini baik2 nah!! |
"Saya nak batch kali ni pass final exam dengan cemerlang.." kata Dean "Tinggi sangat harapan dean aku ni.." bisik Razeen |
"Dengan itu, maka berakhirlah taujihat dr Dr Mohamed kita..." ujar Adli "Mai pekena teh tarik sat, Dr Mukhles!!" ajak Dean "ok gak tu.. Jom2!! Saya belanja.." balas Dr Mukhles |
We Serve The Ummah~~ |